All About Our Licensing (UPDATED 6/23/2019)

Hey guys!

So as you know, our licensing has changed! I’m excited to announce, that ALL of our artwork listed in our Etsy shop will now come with a 350 use license!!! This means that we are doing away with our “Basic License” and “Large License” and instead, replacing them with TWO NEW licenses!

What does this mean for you as a shop owner?

This means, that when you purchase an artwork bundle from our shop, a license will already be included with the artwork at NO additional charge. This license that will be included with the artwork means that you can use our artwork to sell ONE product, for up to 350 sales. If you plan to exceed 350 sales, or would like to use our artwork for multiple products, you then have the option to purchase a “Upgraded Commercial License” (for an additional fee of $35) or an “Unlimited Commercial License” (for an additional fee of $300).

Here is what the difference is between these 2 new licenses:

Our UPGRADED LICENSE , will allow you to use one listing of our artwork on more than 1 product (but less than 3) and those products can' not exceed 1000 sales.

Our UNLIMITED LICENSE, will allow you to use one listing of our artwork on an UNLIMITED amount of products, which you can sell for an unlimited quantity. However, this does not mean the copyright is transferred to you.

"Okay....wait...What do you mean 1 product but less than 3?"

Let’s pretend you sell stickers as a product, and you want to sell one sticker kit. When you purchase our artwork, you can use our artwork to make one product, and sell that product up to 350 times. You do not need to purchase anything else, other than the artwork itself.

If, however, you would like to make 2 different sticker kits (this includes two different sized sticker kits)...then you would need to purchase an upgraded license, because you are exceeding 1 product, but not exceeding 3 products.

If however, you want to use the same artwork for a sticker kit, a t-shirt, a mug, and a tote, than the “Unlimited License” would suit your business needs, because you are re-using the artwork to sell multiple products (more than 3) .

Common questions you might ask:

"What if I purchase the “Upgraded license” and want to sell 4 products-Am I allowed to split the quantities up as long as I don’t exceed 1,000? For example, set one product quantity to a quantity of 250, and the second product to a quantity of 250, and so forth, and so forth - Can I split up an upgraded commercial license that way? 

The answer is, no


Because you are now using the artwork for more than 3 products. An upgraded license covers just 3 products, -Aka. one listing in your shop that includes Elle P. Studio artwork. Doing so is like you’re using our artwork unlimitedly. I mean could you imagine what it's like to have to track a shop's listings if they set each product listing to sell at a quantity of 5 using just an upgraded license?? And just as a side note, if you think we haven't caught onto the shops that set their quantiles at 200, sell 100, then re-set to 200, you're wrong lol....

If I purchase an unlimited commercial license, does that mean I can use any artwork I’ve previously purchased, unlimitedly on products?

No. Whether you purchase an upgraded commercial license, or an unlimited commercial license, that license is valid for only ONE listing of EPS artwork. Purchasing an "Unlimited Commercial License" does not mean you have access to use ALL of our artwork unlimitedly.

So, just to recap:

 If you buy our artwork, then you can only sell that artwork in one listing in your shop, and set that listing's quantities to 350 ONCE. And if you exceed 350 sales, which I always hope you do! Then you can simply purchase this listing right here.

Now, I know what you're're probably wondering, "What if in my listing I offer 5 sticker sheets - Do I need an upgraded license for each sheet?"

The answer is no, you do not. When you buy our artwork, it basically means you may set your ONE product's listing quantities to 350. What your product includes, is up to you, and your business. 

"What if I purchase a Elle P. Clipart bundle - do I need a license for each object that included in that clipart bundle?" 

Imagine, if the answer was yes lol?! You don't...If a clipart bundle includes 15 objects, then you only need one license. Remember, one listing of artwork that you want to use commercially, means 1 commercial license is needed. 

Hopefully I haven't confused, and if you are confused, it's probably because you're not a sticker shop. Or, if you are a sticker shop, you're probably wondering why we have a policy like this set in place. The reason is because we have noticed some shops selling our artwork on various items, and using them repeatedly, not to mention exceeding 350 uses, and you just simply can't do that with out upgrading your licensing. That is why we the option to upgrade. Those that are honest, and do purchase upgraded licensing, you obviously know just how much we appreciate you, because once and awhile, we do show our appreciation to those shops in small ways, and they all know who they are :) So I personally, thank you!

Now to the part that I hate, and the one question some wonder, but never ask...

"What will happen if I'm caught using Elle P. Studio artwork without licensing??"

Believe me when I say, on the day I get reporting back from Charlie, (The new "bad guy" lol) who checks licensing, I literally get so sad because it's crazy that this even has to be "policed". I never want to report anyone's shop to Etsy, let alone be the reason that a shop gets closed down by Etsy (and it sadly, has happened) because like myself, Etsy, doesn't not take copyright infringement too lightly.  

Now don't get me wrong, we ALL make mistakes, and I always like to give everyone the benefit of the doubt. However, when you are caught using EPS artwork with out the correct licensing, you will receive a message, along with what is owed in licensing fees. The default amount is a $100 fee per each listing of artwork you are using with out licensing. If you do not pay your licensing fees, or fail to reply to the message within 24-48 hours, we report your shop to Etsy, and file a copyright infringement notice. If you receive multiple warnings, Etsy will unfortunately shut down your shop, so it's really important you are honest with licensing, and not just with our artwork, but with any artwork you purchase from any artist. Just like we you, we as artists work really hard, not to mention, we are allowing you to use something that not only took us a really long time to create and make, but something that is legally our property. Even when you are purchasing licensing, it's important to remember that you are simply acquiring the right to just use the artwork, not own it. So, just as you'd like someone to be respectful with your products, please be respectful with ours. 

Another important thing to note is to read over what products we allow, and DO NOT allow to be made commercially with our artwork. To find a list of those items, you simple can head over to our shop's store policies and FAQs, PRIOR to purchasing artwork you intend on using commercially. Please note, it is your responsibility to make sure you are allowed to use EPS artwork on the product you plan on selling. Refunds/returns will not be given if you've already purchased artwork/licensing prior to reading this list. 

If you have any personal questions concerning licensing for your shop specifically, or other shop related issues, please message us via Etsy, because that is where you will receive the quickest response. 

With that said, please let me know if you guys enjoyed this article, and if you feel like it helped clear up any questions/concerns you might have had. Also, please let me know what you'd like the next article to be about!


Elle & Charlie